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Effort, Work, and Conservative Values We're Missing.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016
I suppose it might seem odd to some people that I consider myself a Conservative. I mean, as far as current political parties go, I'm definitely not, but I do think of myself as leaning more to the "right" than I do to the "left." Of course, I also believe in a basic amount of dignity for all. So I tend to support and vote in ways that support LGBTQ communities, reconciliation, women's issues, etc.

But I also believe in the right of someone to work hard and earn a living, and even earn a profit. I support entrepreneurialism and believe people who start successful businesses should be rewarded for it. I don't like the government intervening unless it's a case of ensuring equality of dignity and equal opportunity for all. So cases like Bill 10 have my support because ensuring every student can learn in a safe learning environment help create that equality of opportunity. Likewise, I'd like to see laws amended to end discrimination to people experiencing poverty and homelessness, so they can focus on working hard to get ahead, not working hard to pay fines other people don't face. They can focus on finding work instead of worrying if an employer will reject them because of their address.

I do support Universal Health Care, but recognize it's getting costly. I do support social services and welfare, but recognize their are only so many resources to go around, and Robin Hood was both a hero, and a criminal. Robbing the successful to pay the less so can't last forever.

Conservatives are missing something big though. There is one flaw in their plan, and that is society has changed greatly. We are now a society of fear. The political "right" has destroyed the very thing that makes conservatism work: Community has been replaced be fear-based buzzwords, like "Gay Agenda" and "Liberal Agenda."

Strong communities make strong cities, strong provinces, and strong nations. Plain and simple. the government wouldn't need to increase social spending if we as people would be willing to look after our neighbors. Today's world is one where we barely get to know our neighbors, let alone follow the commandment to love them (for those who subscribe to that religious path). We've become afraid to ask our neighbor and our community for help because we're afraid of getting mocked, judged, having rumors spread about us, etc.

Now, I was born in '84, so most of what I know about the "Good ol' Days" that conservatives seem to yearn for is from television, radio, anecdotes, and novels. People used to say hello to their neighbors, you could borrow a cup of sugar, go jogging together, have your neighbor pick up your mail while you go on vacation, and even have dinner together some days. We used to have porches, and we used them. We'd tip the paper boy and the milk man. (I actually do remember milk men).

Now it's become easier to be a society of individuals. Neighbors might meet at a community center, but rarely do we plan things together anymore. Rarely do we ask others for help, or ask our friends - if we can call them that - how they're doing, if everything's okay. We've taken the easy way out.

The fact remains, for conservativism to work, people need to put in an effort. They need to work hard, not just at work, but they need to work hard to build better communities. We wouldn't require so many "socialist" laws or programs if we as people put in the hard work and effort to produce the wonderful society we as conservatives yearn for, and last I heard, hard work and effort are the foundation of conservative values.

There are people out there who do good work and effort. And regulations and government interventions have often gotten in their way. YYCHelpingHomeless is one such group. They just want to feed the homeless and give them clothes. I know a few members. They genuinely do it because it's the right thing, not so they can pat themselves on the back. They aren't aggressive about helping, they recognize that when they are on the streets helping, they are guests in someone's home, and honor that and respect that. And of course, regulations have recently made legal and financial complications in their efforts to help people. This is where conservative values of less government can be an asset, and can help.

But before that, we need to deeply recognize what it means to be conservative, and if we want a conservative society, we need to get rid of divisive language that encourages us to not build strong communities. We have to recognize that if we want conservatism to work, we all have to put in the effort, and work hard to make stronger, healthier, safer, and more vibrant communities.

So, put down your phone or log off your PC, knock on your neighbors door, and ask them if they'd like to attend a potluck.


While we're here, this is a good opportunity to plug my new Patreon! Check the sidebar on the right for more the link. You can also donate to my efforts to attend the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness conference in London!

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