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It's Election Time!!!

Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Yes, I sure do love me an election. As Rick Mercer once said "It's like Christmas for journalists."

Do I think this $30 Million election is completely unnecessary? Yes. Do we need an expensive election right now? Of course not. Could an election wait until next year? Absolutely. I just bought a 50" HDTV on sale on boxing day and don't need a new one, but if Jim wanted to buy me an 80" TV that costs $2500 I sure as hell would not say no.

It's not that I actually enjoy the process of voting. I do vote, but sometimes it would be nice if the process were more exciting. Like randomly dropping golden tickets for free cars in the ballots. It isn't that I actually think there's going to be a major change, although as a member of a party and a volunteer, I certainly door knock and want change and go full out as if it will make a difference. It's because I'm a blogger. I haven't written much here lately, instead choosing to focus on my anime blog, because hey, watching anime is fun. But when an election comes, there is no shortage of content for me to write about. Lots of news articles I read because I want to. Additionally, I have a day-job, so sometimes it's difficult to become motivated to write about something here after a long day of work.

Tomorrow I begin door-knocking. Or doing whatever it is my party needs me to do. I enjoy working with these guys. We've got a very diverse group of volunteers, and I love the snacks they offer up at HQ. Despite not being located in my riding, it's still walking distance from home. A lengthy walk, but still reasonable. Besides, I could use the exercise. Especially if the food is half as good as it was during the byelection.

And for those who are still going to complain about the early "illegal election" know this: If you have time to complain, you have time to do something about it. Sure, you have a right to complain even if you don't vote, but this here is your chance to make a difference. It only comes once every four years (more frequently if your government is led by the PCAA) and it shouldn't be squandered or taken for granted. If you're upset about this election, voting is the best way to tell your government that. Volunteer, call, knock on doors, donate, just get involved!

If you're not upset about the election, or the budget, or anything else and are happy with the status quo, this is your best chance to tell the government that too. Remember, the government is supposed to work for us, the people. Elections are a form of performance review where we the people either fire them, keep them, or tell them where improvements need to be made. Volunteer, call, knock on doors, donate, just get involved!

In other blogs, I'll talk more about my leanings and my issues, and be much less neutral. But for now, the first thing you guys need to do is get involved. Talk to you guys later.

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